Главная / / Юбилейный конкурс составления двухходовых задач "Богуш Пилишевски-50"

Юбилейный конкурс составления двухходовых задач "Богуш Пилишевски-50"

23 Февраля 2021 Bogusz Piliczewski - 50 JT
The Commission for Chess Composition of the Polish Chess Federation announces an informal international composing tourney in the section of twomovers, devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Polish problemist Bogusz Piliczewski.
Theme: any.
Bogusz Piliczewski will be the judge of the tourney.
The authors gaining prizes will receive diplomas.
The award will be published on the webpage: https://problemista.eu/
Closing date: October 1, 2021
Date of announcement of the award: December 15, 2021
Compositions on diagrams or in notation with the complete solution should be sent to the following address: