Умер Атилла Бенедек (4.3.1921 - 2.02.2010)
8 Февраля 2010
Печальное сообщение пришло из Венгрии о смерти известнейшего шахматного композитора и организатора Атиллы Бенедека (4.3.1921 - 2.02.2010). Он умер на 89-м году жизни.
"Dear Friends,
With great sorrow I have to inform you of the death of Attila Benedek on February 2nd, about a month before his 89th birthday.
Attila was almost forty years old as he became a chess composer and was soon acknowledged as a distinguished problemist, judge and organizer. He was vice-president of the PCCC and remains honorary member of the commitee.
A few years ago he published a selection of his problems commented with demanding care and humour. Despite of his high age, he was active until his final days. Very recently he has been the theme provider and the judge of a quick composing tourney.
The sadness of his Hungarian friends will surely be shared by chess problemists in other countries.
Zoltán Laborczi
The Benedek collection is available for downloading:"